Thursday 27 June 2013

Beguine the beguine ...

With a new haircut and his lovely girlfriend on his arm, how does Rafa live it up with a night on the tiles ...

... he goes to a Julio Iglesias concert.  *facepalm*

You might as well look sheepish in this picture, Rafa.  Julio Iglesias!!!

He's even older than MY  Dad !!!


  1. Oh he looks so handsome....but I do miss that young pirate that we all fell for. I know he's 27, he's now a senior member of the tour (even tho he still has his dorky moments) and of course he can't stay the same for ever, but where have the past few years gone?

  2. Athena (Melissa Φιλοραφαία)Friday, June 28, 2013

    Why a haircut, Rafa? Why?????

    As to Iglesias--a small protest. Let's not do the age thing, he's only 6 years older than myself. Heck, if I were wheeled onto a stage, even in an operating theatre, I'd not mind if Rafa sat in the front row, Vamos-ing! ;)

    I think Rafa has entertainment confused with sports. Iglesias played RM football, was severely injured in a car crash (and needs therapy to this day), and is a Spanish fan of Rafa. So Rafa shows up to cheer on the Spanish team, so to speak. Or maybe it's Mary who's the fan--one never knows with this kind of thing! 8)
