
This page is a place for anyone who visits this site who wishes to leave a comment on anything in particular, so please feel free as all are welcome ...



  1. Hola. Just seen this. Great stuff and love the Rafa roar! Like the black and bring back the sleeveless. dVB

  2. Hola!! Sadly, the sleeveless look has had its day *sob* ... but it will forever be held dear by us Rafa fans.

    Don't know about you, but I would just LOVE to see some more of that exaggerated roaring back. I just think Rafa needs to release himself on the court. That, or smash a racquet. :D :D ;D

  3. Hey Wooffie, I am so glad I found your blog through Nadal news on twitter , is there any way I can email u , I met Xisca at the O2 last year and nearly wee'd myself lol, Sarah , Northern Ireland x please mail me x when ur not stalking lol x

  4. Love your blog pics are stunning.


  5. Thanks EW. Hope you keep popping by.

  6. Hi!!!
    Did anyone heard about Rafa just married his girlfriend last thursday?
    Great site!!!!
    From a Rafa fan.

  7. Yep, I saw that. But I've been caught out a couple of times today because ... its April Fool's Day in Spain!! ;)

  8. I just found out that it is April Fool's Day in Spain by the remark underneath the story at rafa nadalpartidoapartido website. Thank you Wooffie! Great site btw!!!!

  9. Thanks for the comment. Hope you keep popping by.

  10. Good day Wooffie! I really enjoy your site and would pop by often to read your updates on our beloved Rafa :) You are doing a good job and many thanks for that.

  11. Thank you for the comment, aRNita. Rafa is a good subject matter, noh? :)

  12. Hehehe definitely Rafa is a good subject matter, hands down. I am excited that Australian Open is around the corner. Melbourne in 7 hours by flight from where I am which is Singapore. Sigh Rafa is sooo close but yet sooo far! Thankyouverymuch for the delicious Rafa photos Woofie!

  13. Gaah! Yes! so near and yet so far. Have you ever managed to get to watch Rafa play, aRNita?? Its really difficult sometimes, depending where you are in the world. I've been to Singapore fyi and its fabulous! I'm nervous about the AO, but Rafa has been given a reasonable draw. Whatever happens ... he will always try his best, and we can't expect any more. Its exciting though ... VAMOS!

    1. Hola Wooffie :) How are things? The last time we chatted was about Rafa's sexy sweating and here, for AO. I still watch Rafa's match with a towel, to wipe the sweat off the tv screen, just in case:P Now Rafa has 3 trophies for 2012 and isn't that just ah-mah-zing! I am looking forward to RG and I hope our boy is triumphant there. By the way, Rafa's birthday is wee around the corner. You reckon he will invite us, you and me for the birthday bash? ;)

    2. Erm ... in our dreams. :D I'm just happy to see Rafa winning again, and playing his best tennis. I'm looking forward to RG too, but will be nervous when it all starts. I hope for a happy, healthy tournament for Rafa. Vamos!

  14. Really like your web page.. I too am one of those fans who just can't get enough of Rafa. There is really no one else like him in tennis now. I have never quite understood the appeal of Federer, other that he plays tennis well. Rafa is a great tennis player, and so much more. His parents raised him well.

    1. He's a fantastic player and person and so inspiring in so many ways. I am happy he came along in my time of watching tennis, and I have made so many friends and experienced things I would never have done if it wasn't for our mutual support of Rafa. Thank you for your comments and I hope you keep on popping by to the blog.

    2. I have just found your page. I like it very much. I hope that Rafa has much success this year. I love him, so much. Keep up the good work.

  15. What do you think of the SI photos?

    1. Fabulous. What do you think? :)

    2. They are lovely yes! But I don't want Rafa to get distracted with all these things. As I love him most as a tennis player!

  16. Hi there, how long have you been a Rafa fan? Are you going to any tourneys this year?. Did you get any RG tickets?

    1. Hello!! I first became aware of Rafa in 2005 and watched with interest when he beat Federer and then won the FO for the first time. I just kept an eye on his career after that, but Wimbledon 2006 for me made me a confirmed fan because I really enjoyed his tennis and was intrigued about how he was making his way through a grass tournie. But when I saw the respectful way he treated Agassi when he beat him in his final match ... well, that was it. Totally committed.

      I'm off to Monte Carlo this year and the Olympics. Will wait and see if I've been lucky in the Wimbledon ballot, but that's it so far this year. No RG for me in 2012, but me and my friends are thinking seriously about going next year.

      How about you?

    2. I am not going to any. Enjoy Mallorca!


    Just received this by email from Babolat... thought it would be of interest

    1. Hey Haddie! Thanks for that and nice to hear from you. Hope you're doing OK. *hug* Come and say hello when you feel like it. Take care.

  18. Hi wooffie, I like reading your blogs/reports, they always bring a smile to my face. I like the lovely pictures you are finding of our Rafa too. His raspberry trainers with the 6on looks so cute!. Your comment about Rafa signing autographs struck a chord with me. It is the most wonderful thing to get so close to Rafa and I indeed treasure mine! and the pens he touched! I try not to bother him as you say off the court and only in the venues. He needs his privacy and peace. Even though we adore him to pieces and can't leave him alone! It's good for Rafa to get some tranquility, we all need that. I wonder what Rafa thinks of us? with all the love and adulation we show him?. I hope he doesn't hate us! If, you know what I mean!

    1. Thanks very much for your lovely comment on that post. I couldn't stop staring at that little girl when I saw the picture, and the thing is, Rafa is applauded for being so generous to the kids and the less able bodied, but the thing is, a fan is a fan regardless. We all support him, whoever we are and whatever age, and when he does something nice for us like give us an autograph or pose for a photograph ... we ALL feel like that little girl. There are those out there who don't like it, well fine ... you don't do it, but don't be so quick to judge those that do. I think Rafa very much enjoys his fans, but to be honest, its part of the job and that's how he treats it ... its not personal to him. That's fine, I for one am just grateful that he's given me the chance to feel nice. ;)

  19. Hi Wooffie, Rafa got Nole in that final again tomorrow! How do you think our Rafa is going to do? I am already worrying about it. Especially because of the last 3 slam finals. I hope that Rafa can start full of confidence and win that crucial first set! Plus Rafa hasn't had a test unlike Nole. What are your thoughts?


    1. Hi Sarah! Well, I've done a post on it today, and I'm frankly sick with nerves ... just because I want him to win so much. To be honest, he can't have possibly played any better this tournament. The thing is, he just has to do it for one more match or else none of it counts. Here's hoping he can get himself across that finish line. VAMOS!!

  20. Dear Wooffie,

    I just noticed your post "Could it be Magic" Pre-2012 Roland Garros Final; and I just have to say I loved it! I'm only 16 years old, but besides Rafa being "cute" to me, he's the most amazing athlete I have ever followed in my "short" life so far. I loved his book, and what he represents is everything I'd want my kids to be when they grow up. I admire him for his work ethic, his unbelievable humility, honesty, energy, and perserverance. I feel really nervous right now about tomorrow, but I've learned to stick behind Rafa and support him no matter the result, as I'm sure you probably do! It's so hard watching him go up 2-0 in a set, and then lose 6 (ultimately 8) games in a row. He looked so frustrated with the conditions, and so helpless like he did in IW. Problem is that IW didn't negate his topspin. "Mud" does. I'm happy he gets a 2nd chance tomorrow in better conditions with dry balls. If not, I'm not sure he would have won today. Novak raised his level to new heights, but I'm sure Rafa will be prepared for that tomorrow morning.

    Anyways, whenever I read any kind of "post" or article on an athlete like Rafa, it brings tears to my eyes. And your quote from pre 2010 RG Final did exactly that. I majorly cried after Rafa lost Wimbledon and the USO. Especially the USO.It was so hard seeing Rafa lose to Nole over and over. The AO was still heartbreaking because of the way it ended, but I definitely took the positives, just like Rafa did. And I'm really happy that Rafa defeated Nole in MC and Rome. It really helped him to gain confidence before RG, and complete a great run like he has.

    It would really hurt to see Rafa lose tomorrow. I'm not going to lie. It's an amazing achievement for Nole if he completes him; but then those "questions" will be asked about Rafa. But I believe that Rafa can win. I always ask God to remind Rafa somehow someway that he has millions of fans out there like you and me who stick by him no matter what, and who support him during every point in his matches. I'm going to pray tonight, and not watch tomorrow morning probably because I'll be way too nervous and scared, but I'll ask God not to "make Rafa win", but to enable him to envision the plenty support he has from his fans, family, and friends. We know he can do it, and we have prolonged belief and faith in him that can drive him to a satisfying win. Vamos! :)


    1. Vashti ... what a fantastic comment. I'm really pleased you took the time to write what you did because its lovely. I truly think that Rafa has some unbelievable fans and I also think its amazing that this wonderful guy can affect us as he did.

      I really hope you enjoyed the result today. I hope you've had a few tears as we all have, because he's once again been a marvel in facing up to adversity, working hard and succeeding. The scenes at the end were really incredible.

      I hope you keep popping by on the blog and once again, thank you for taking the time to comment.

  21. Hi Wooffie,

    Our Rafa did us proud with his 7th RG! He makes me so happy when he does all these amazing things on the court! He is so special. I wonder which newspapers will have nice Wimby features tomorrow? I will get up early tomorrow morning and visit the newsagents. How do you think Rafa will do at Wimby? I don't know what to think. I hope he wins his third Wimby title, of course! That would be fab, but I am so happy with what he has achieved this year. That I am content but we want Rafa to win everything. I am not greedy. I hope that he goes and enjoy himself at Wimby and stays fit and healthy.

    The blue clay in Madrid has been banned for next year. That will make Rafa and Djok happy. It will be good for it to be back to its traditional read anyway. I think that Rafa just doesn't like that Madrid tourney anyway because of the altitude and celebrity there. Good to hear that you have Olympics tickets. I hope that you get to see Rafa play. I will be going to the WTFs in November, where I hope that Rafa plays better than he did last year. Wimby this week! Wow! I tell you once the clay starts in April, the tennis just rolls thick and fast!


    1. Hi Sarah! This is such an enchanting tournament, there is just nothing like it. I think Rafa is in so much of a better place this year and has a very good chance. I just hope he can stay healthy ... and WIN. VAMO3 !!!

  22. Hi Wooffie!

    Rafa has withdrawn from the Olympics. Oh I am so sad about this especially since he was going to be the flag bearer too. Are his knees that bad? He has been holidaying so much and he seems fine to me?. Could there be more too it like 2009?.



    Hi Vashti *hug* I'm sorry, but I did something wrong with your post. :( Anyhow, you asked about contact. I'm thinking of putting together a contact facility on this blog, so keep on popping by. For obvious reasons I don't want to leave an email address, but if you're on Twitter you can DM me in the interim if you let me know your nickname.

    Take care,

  24. Wooffie, who is blue Mathilde? Is she a journalist or something? As how does she get to see Rafa at his practise sessions in Mallorca etc.

    1. I don't know anything other than what her Twitter handle gives us. I'm assuming she was holidaying in Mallorca and got lucky. The thing is, when I was in Mallorca in February, I just made an assumption that the hangar hardcourt practice area was attached to Manacor Tennis Club ... its not. So again, I've no idea how she found it,where it is, and I assume they just allowed her photograph. Great opportunity for her and at least she shared the pictures with everyone!

  25. Hola! I heard you were somewhere and found you. Love all your stuff and thanks a heap. Just fabulous.

    daisy x (erm. I haven't worked out how to do a profile thingy yet but it's me)

    1. Hello Daisy, my love!! *hugs* Glad you've found my little blog, and I hope you keep on popping by. xx

  26. I will, my sweet. Just been looking at the Pico and Rafa pics. Just lovely. daisy x *hugs*

  27. Just popped in to pick up the daily dose. Fantastic and the pics. of Rafa and Maribel are lubberly. Got to work out how not to be called "anonymous" lol daisy xxx

    1. Hello Daisy my love. You're not the first to mention only being able to use "anonymous". Do you have any google account? I think that if you do (ie. I have for this and an email account on so I'm able to say who I am other. Other than that ... I dunno, I'm a bit of phobe when it comes to stuff like this. Lovely to here from you henyways. xx

  28. Yep. My comment was published but how do I appear as moi and not this annoying anonymous personage?

  29. Hi Wooffie,

    It seems that Rafa is putting on weight or is that my imagination? That would explain the wet suits. But he looked lovely and slim on that El honigero interview. I miss Rafa so much! It is like till eternity waiting for him to return. I get a bit scared though that he might not come back as he is having a great time at home. The MC tickets are on sale now and I am thinking, should I buy some? Are you planning on going on any tourneys next year with the Rafa issue in the air? My friends say I am worrying too much! I am enjoying your daily doses! I just need to have something Rafa each day!


    1. I don't think Rafa has lost his competitive edge one bit. He probably finds it frustrating that his body isn't progressing maybe as quick as he would like, but he'll get there. And I think he's learning the value of patience. There was one picture I saw where I thought ... hmmmm ... he looks slightly heavier, but that will either be the camera, but let's face it, he'll only get in his best shape once he's back on the court. I'm not going to MC next year, although Rafan is and several other girls that we know are. If you're thinking about it, I say DO IT!! If there's a tournament he will always go to, its MC. None of us can predict the future and there's always some point where as Rafa fans we're left disappointed, but I always think that if - God forbid - the worst happens, at least you're still in a beautiful part of the world. I'm planning on going to the French Open next year. That's my aim. Rafa on clay at Roland Garros ... can't wait!!

  30. Hi Wooffie,

    You haven't updated your page, LOL!. It is so hard for us Rafa fans right now with Rafa away. I am going to the WTFs next week. I will still enjoy it without Rafa there but of course I will feel that something is missing. Just two more tournaments left now. Then the normal tennis year will be done!. I hope that 2013 will be a good tennis year for Rafa and his fans. This year started brightly but then turned in June. Let's hope that Rafa returns and has a great 2013.


  31. Just seen your Halloween vid. Roflmao. Thanks!

    daisy x

  32. Hi Woofie!

    1. There are lovely videos on Tennis Connected showing Rafa practicing! Don't miss them.

    2. I love your blog. I've been reading it for a long time, but have never commented before. Thank you so much for all you do to bring enjoyment to all of us.

    1. Hello!! Thanks for posting. I hope I captured the videos you meant, but wasn't it just so good to see Rafa back on the court! Thank you for your nice comment, as its appreciated when people take the time to say nice things. :)))

  33. Hey Woofs. I love the chipmunks and Rafa - I'll just call it "silky pegoo" for now - Fab- u - lous!

    daisy x

  34. Wooffie! I am still pinching myself that Rafa is back! I went to bed last night reading all about Rafa's Chile trip and all those wonderful practise pictures in Mallorca and the kids clinic etc! I cried actually, tears of joy that;s for sure. I am so happy that Rafa is back! THe last 7 months have been hard for us. I am loving the video and photos of Rafa's Chile arrival! Rafa looks happy and relaxed. May Rafa have a great comeback in Vina Del Mar. Let's all pray for our beautiful champion! He will never know how much we have missed him and he brings such sunlight to our lives!. I can't wait to see Rafa back on the court next week!


  35. Hi Wooffie,
    Been reading your postings on a regular basis. I am a confirmed "Rafa" fan and enjoying your updates. Thank you for sharing the stories with us. You have done a wonderful job!!


  36. I absolutely love this site! Btw, was on the Rg site the other day and they've got a great highlights clip from last Year's final--Rafa running the legs out from under the Odious Serb. You may like to highlight it to get everyone in the mood for the clay season.

  37. Hi Woofie

    I really like this blog, I've commented on here a few times before, but for some reason it didn't show :(

    Anyway keep up the good work, and let's hope Rafa does well in the clay season!

    1. Well your comment has showed up this time. Thanks for the kind words and I hope you keep popping by. Hoping for a healthy and fit Rafa for the clay. Vamos!!

  38. Just catching up and loving everything here. Still catching up! daisy xxx

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
