Friday 28 June 2013

Ahoy, capt'n ...


  1. Seeing these pictures makes the loss bearable now. He's out in the sun having fun with friends, not dwelling on it. Now I'm going to put the loss out of my mind too. Thanks so much for posting them.

    1. I read a spoof Rafa/Roger conversation by the very talented Daisy on VB yesterday, and she had Rog saying to Rafa ... "you really are a happy person, aren't you?" And I think that's a great observation - he is. And I can't remember now if someone on here put a quote about Rafa where he said that tennis is what he does, it's not who he is. And here we have the essence of the man. He is about so much more than the game, and he has so much more in his life than the game too.

      He's obviously fine, and I'm sure in his quiet moments he thinks about it ... but he's moving on, and I guess we have to as well. Cheers, Jackie.

  2. Athena (Melissa Φιλοραφαία)Friday, June 28, 2013

    Just looking at the jack on the boat, I wonder whether the royal family has put one of its craft at his disposal? Or maybe one of its residences at Ibiza?

    1. Stupid me. That's not a royal jack, it's a Spanish yacht ensign. Just ignore my speculations from now on...

  3. Yes!!!! Finally, beach (kind of) pics.

    That bandage is going to leave an interesting tan line though!

    Good to see him relaxing.
