Friday 26 October 2012

Quality Sport interview with Dr Mikel Sanchez

Remember the publication of the other day from Quality Sport which had an interview with Rafa's doctor, Mikel Sanchez?

Well, over on VamosBrigade, the article has been translated. It seems that the inflammatory headline can be credited to the magazine itself, as at no point in the article is the doctor quoted as saying that. The gist of it all is that Dr Sanchez talks in more detail of his pioneering techniques and as for Rafa ... nothing is revealed that hasn't been publicly said already.

He talks of meeting Rafa for the first time in 2010 and that the treatment he had was a great success in rejuvenating his existing damaged tendons. However this year, Rafa felt pain as there is an issue in another tendon, it is a new injury, and treatment was delayed and hampered by the fact that Rafa had a dental infection.

That's all, folks ...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this info. I couldn't get a transcript, and was beginning to get worried all over again. I hate headline writers, especially in these days where anything goes and truth is optional.

    I'm already nervous enough -- this is beyond where even I thought we'd be without Rafa practicing on court.
