Wednesday 17 October 2012

Fans Favorite ...

You know that Fed fans will now be making up 1000s of new email addresses just so that they can place their #GOATvote ... but if you want to cast one in Rafa's direction, here's the link.


  1. Oops. Now I feel a little bit bad for voting 3 times for Rafa. o_O Not very honest I know. Can I pretend I have multiple personality disorder?

    1. Tsk, Catherine. That's very naughty and I wouldn't encourage any other Rafa fan to resort to such scurrilous behaviour. *goes and checks all other email addresses*. :D :D

  2. heh, 4 more votes going Rafa's way courtesy of everyone in my house....except that they didn't know they voted....ooops naughty me, my fingers must have somehow *slipped* heh

  3. Erm, I might have voted for everyone in my contacts. Well, I'm sure they'd vote for Rafa anyway! :D

  4. Oops. Now I feel a little bit bad for voting 3 times for Rafa. o_O Not very honest I know. Can I pretend I have multiple personality disorder?

  5. *blush* I started voting for everyone in my department. Do you think someone will be notified at work if I start to vote for everyone employed in the company?

    Tell you whot, though. Now I know how Feds has won it every year. :D :D :D
